To let go
How hard is to let go...?
We had to let go.
We decided to let go. To leave the space to new things when "old things" dont seem to make sense anymore, or because letting them go is necessary to accomplish the things we still couldn`t achieve, things we dont give up.
We realise this wasn`t the way... But we never know for sure, do we? We trusted our hearts, and let it happen.
... And it happened a lot more fast that we expected. Viwers came, offers didn´t take long to fall. We sold our land. Our lovely piece of land.
We were / are happy about it. New things may come in our way. And again, maybe a lot faster then we expect.
But... ufff... sometimes I look at a picture... something brings me a memory, and I realise that, even if I can´t call her "mine" anymore, I have not totally let it go yet... or do I just miss it?...
My rainbow land... Wish you a good and happy life with your new persons. May them care well for you and love your trees and your heart.
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Olá! Que bom que decidiste escrever-me! Obrigada e até já! Com carinho, Joana
Hi! I am so happy that you decided to say hi! Thank you! With Love, Joana